GhostBusters - AfterLife

Mini Pufts

Jason worked on Ghostbuster Afterlife for over a year and his first job was to help concept sculpt the miniPuft to look more like his dad and yet feel child like.

Terror Dog

A hero Terror dog had to be created and it needed to be 1/1 with the special effects animatronic which was on set.

For the new ghostbusters film there was a new version of the terror dog a mix between the Terror dog and a human form called the Sentinel which Jason created the concept sculpt for.


Gozers spirit

Gozer was the original Ghostbusters villian and being able to build her from the ground up was incredibley rewarding and challenging.

From skeleton, muscle, skin and even crystals, Gozer had many layers to the model and sculpt.


Mucher for ‘afterlife’ was what Slimer to the originals films.

This fat characterful guy was a lot of fun to model and sculpt.